Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.Artist / Band nameLink to website/bandcamp/facebookHow is the material organized? *Pro Tools, one session holds all the songsPro Tools, one session for each songFiles on hard drive, all songs consolidatedFiles on hard drive, one set of files per songOther DAW, one session holds all the songsOther DAW, one session for each songNot sure yetAre you generally happy with the sound of the recording sessions / rough mixes? Are there any elements of the recording that you are hoping will change a lot during the mixing process, and how? *What is the maximum track count for the project?Do all the songs have the same basic setup? (Not counting extra guitar overdubs or vocal parts.)YesNoDo all songs have a (more or less) consistent sound? For example, are the drums recorded the same way for all songs, is the basic guitar sound the same for all songs?YesNoDo you have a set date this project needs to be finished?Any additional informationWebsiteSubmit